Hary Tanoesoedibjo Net Worth Wiki, Height, Biography, Wife, Children And Early Life
Hary Tanoesoedibjo Net Worth
Hary Tanoesoedibjo Net Worth: Hary Tanoesoedibjo is an Indonesian-Chinese entrepreneur with a net worth of $1.9 billion. Born in Surabaya, Indonesia on September 26, 1965, Tanoesoedibjo rose to prominence as the CEO of MNC Group, Indonesia’s leading media company. A business graduate of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, who also holds an MBA from the same university, he founded PT.
1989 Bhakti Investama. A few years later, during the financial crisis in Indonesia, Tanoesoedibjo acquired PT. Bitmantra Citra, and later, he renamed the company Global Mediacom. Soon, he launched PT. Media Nusantara Citra, also known as Group of Multinational Corporations. Over the years, the company has grown into a media giant with more than 50 companies in various fields including radio, television, advertising agency, print media, music recording, telecommunications, websites, talent agency, investment and mining. Currently, the media mogul serves as the president of PT. Global Mediacom Tbk., PT. Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI), PT. Mibile-8 Telecom Tbk. and PT. Media Nusantara Citra. For the past year, Tanoesoedibjo has been working on a deal with Abrizar Bakri, the leader of the politically connected Bakri clan. He paid about $200 million for five toll road concessions owned by Bakrie, and $143 million for the 2,500-acre Nirwana resort in Bali. However, his $427 million bid to buy Bakrie’s TV station ANTV was put on hold.