Davy Jones net worth Wiki, Height, Biography, Wife, Children And Early Life

Davy Jones net worth

Davy Jones Net Worth: Davy Jones was an American singer/actor who had a net worth of $5 million at the time of his death. Davy Jones earned his net worth and fame as a member of the Monkees. Davy Jones passed away unexpectedly on February 29, 2012 in Florida at the age of 66.

Jones left behind a wife and four daughters. Jones amassed most of his net worth as a member of The Monkees – but was that as an actor or a musician? It’s hard to tell, as the Monkees are generally considered not a “real” band, as they were supposed to be the main characters of TV sitcoms. However, it is indisputable that he started his acting career. One of his first major performances was in Oliver! Playing the sly Dodge in “Oliver Twist,” the musical based on Charles Dickens’ novel. In an interesting coincidence, Jones appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show with Oliver’s other Broadway cast! On the night the Beatles became famous. Interestingly, the show that would later become Jones’ biggest name was the Beatles sitcom improv. That show was The Monkees, which premiered in 1965, and featured a number of songs featuring Davy Jones. The “band” disbanded after the show, but Jones continued to perform Monkees songs, even hinting at a Monkees reunion, although it’s unclear what form that reunion will take if it does happen.

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