Chevron Net Worth Wiki, Height, Biography, Wife, Children And Early Life

Chevron Net Worth

Chevron Net Worth: Chevron is an American oil company with a market cap/net worth of $190 billion. Chevron’s history is made up of several corporate spin-offs and mergers, and its willingness to find oil overseas has made it one of the most successful companies in the world. The Pacific Coast Oil Company was formed in the late 1800s following the discovery of oil north of Los Angeles. Standard Oil then acquired Pacific Oil. After Standard Oil was broken up in the early 1900s, the Standard Oil portion of the former Pacific Coast Oil Company was known as Standard Oil of California, or SoCal for short. The Saudi Arabian government granted SoCal the right to search for oil within the country in the 1930s. In 1938, oil was discovered in Southern California, and in 1948, they drilled the largest oil field on Earth in Qawar, Saudi Arabia. After their Saudi Arabian operations were formed as Saudi Aramco in 1980, Southern California Oil and Gulf Oil merged and became known as Chevron. Since then, Chevron has merged its natural gas division with NGC. The new company is called Dynegy. They also merged with Texaco to become the second largest oil company in the world. Since 2005, Chevron and Texaco are known as Chevrons. That same year, Chevron acquired Unocal, making it the largest producer of geothermal energy. Chevron currently has 62,000 employees worldwide and is headquartered in San Ramon, California.

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