Bobby Womack net worth Wiki, Height, Biography, Wife, Children And Early Life

Bobby Womack net worth

Bobby Womack net worth: Bobby Womack is an American singer-songwriter and musician who has a net worth of $250,000. Bobby Womack earned his net worth from a career as an active recording artist that began in the early 1960s. He started his career as a backing guitarist for Sam Cooke of his family band The Valentinos.

Womack’s more than 40-year career includes a variety of musical styles such as R&B, soul, rock, doo-wop, gospel and country. Born March 4, 1944 in Cleveland, Ohio, he and his four brothers founded the Womack Brothers group and toured the gospel tour. After being discovered by Sam Cooke, they changed the band’s name to Valentinos and began performing R&B music. The band’s first single “Lookin’ For a Love” peaked at No. 8 on the Billboard R&B chart. The band went into decline in 1964 after Sam Cooke’s death and disbanded in 1966. Womack’s credits as songwriter include the Rolling Stones hit “It’s All Over Now” and the New Birth single “I Can Understand”. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2009. Womack’s song “Across 110th Street” featured in the Jackie Brown-directed film Quentin Tarantino and Denzel Washington’s American Gangster. Some of Womack’s most recent work includes “Cloud of Unknowing” with Gorillaz in 2010 and “Bobby In Phoenix” with Gorillaz in 2011. He was also nominated for a Grammy for Best Short Music Video: “Stylo” with Mos Def & Gorillaz in 2011. Bobby Womack passed away on June 27, 2014 at the age of 70.

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